Sunday, February 16, 2020

Those Domino Books Revisited

I'm really not a collector of anything but dust. But... I admit I've been hoarding these little books for years now and it's time to bring them out, polish them up and see if I can share them. So I brought out three little books and gave them some additional images and pages to make them more interesting and turn them into itty bitty journals.

I was obsessed with making these for a while so I have a lot of them to share. I added little buttons and jewels to the front covers of many of them. The back cover is also a domino. Words or phrases added to the plain pages really adds a lot to their cuteness factor.

There is still plenty of room to write on them if you write tiny. The backs are lined and I added a signature so you can journal. It has pages you can flip! I'm working on a word sheet so you can cut out words to glue on the front pages if you don't want to write in it. It's a cutie patootie little journal that's purposeful now and not just eye candy - although I'm all for eye candy too!

They are pretty thick when they are all tied up on the sides. They are chunky at over an inch. They are little journal books all on their own and they even can stand upright. So cute! Don't know if I want to draw lines on the backs of all of these but those journal pages can be printed off pretty easily. They are held in place like a traveler's journal by elastic in the fold. I use those little transparent rubber bands you get for little girl's hair at the Dollar Tree.

There are no rules in journal making. They can be any size and made of any material. All that is required is that you have a front, a back and some pages to write in. The rest is up to you!

Apparently, I'm still in love with these little books 'cause I'm thinking of making some more of these little journals!

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