Monday, January 13, 2020

A Little Background

THE FIRST POST on a new blog

Well it's a new year and time for a new blog. I have so many hobbies - what's one more. Actually, it's not a new hobby for me. I made a few dozen of these little books several years ago and just didn't have a blog to put them on that was relevant to making little books. These are made of strips of paper accordian folded and glued to embellished dominoes. I just added ribbon under the inside edges on each side to tie closed. I binge made about 3 dozen of these in just a few days.

When I was a kid I used to make little books out of plain paper and do the writing and the drawing for them. I've hung out a lot in my life in libraries so books have always been a big part of my makeup in life and art. Now I'm learning different ways to make them. No rules.

My other blogs have pretty much run their course but I'll leave them up and who knows, maybe I'll get back into making dollhouses, growing violets full time (I still have about sixty or so) and/or greeting card making some day again.

I started out in paper crafts making and trading ATCs years ago and I have a huge collection of them I'd like to find a use for besides sitting in folders collecting dust. Maybe I'll make an ATC book... something to think about.

One thing I've learned - there are no rules to bookbinding. And making them from scratch makes you a booksmith.

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